Quick Start Guide

This guide will give you a list of topics to help you through the basics of setting up the PrinterLogic application whether you are in a trial or just want a refresher. This list of topics, if followed in order, will provide you with the most common way used when setting up the PrinterLogic application. The list also includes summary information on advanced features, so depending on what bundle you have purchased, you may see features that are not applicable to you. If there is a particular feature that captures your interest but isn't part of your current bundle, simply get in touch with your dedicated PrinterLogic representative. They will be able to provide you with further insights and explore options that align perfectly with your requirements.

If you have not started a trial yet, go to the Demo PrinterLogic topic to get a demo and start your trial.

Foundational Information

  1. Requirements & Supported Environments
  2. Components Overview
  3. PrinterLogic SaaS Supported Languages
  4. Metadata Collected by PrinterLogic SaaS
  5. Antivirus Exclusions
  6. Security Updates

Get to Know the Admin Console

  1. Set up Admin Console Access
  2. Tree View Overview
  3. Reports
  4. Tools Menu

First Steps

  1. Create Folders
  2. Automatic Printer Migration

  3. Manual Printer Configuration

  4. Printer Tabs Overview

  5. Portal Security
  6. Administrative Security

  7. Custom Fields

  8. Cache Drivers

  9. Advanced Search

Installing the PrinterLogic Client

  1. Device Authorization
  2. Install Client on Windows
  3. Install Client on Mac
  4. Install the Client on Red Hat
  5. Install Client on Ubuntu Linux
  6. Install Chrome OS Client
  7. Client Updates

Browser Extensions

  1. Browser Extensions
  2. Chrome Browser Extension
  3. Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Extension
  4. Firefox Extension
  5. Safari Extension

The Service Client

  1. Service Client
  2. Service Client Tabs Overview

Identity Providers

  1. LDAP Domain
  2. Configuring an IdP
  3. Concurrent IdPs
  4. Identity Sync
  5. Admin Console Shortcut

Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

  1. Role-Based Access Control

Printer Deployments

  1. Printer Deployment
  2. Advanced Groups


  1. SNMP with a Service Client
  2. SNMP without a Service Client
  3. Status Monitoring
  4. Alerts

Self-Service & Other Portals

  1. Portals
  2. Maps


  1. Chromebook Overview

Advanced Features

Since this topic is a quick-start guide to get you up and running quickly, this section will provide just summary topics covering most PrinterLogic advanced features. Most are just summary documents. However, they will open the Admin Guide to the areas containing setup instructions if you have access to the feature and want to configure it.

  1. Pull Printing VS Secure Printing
  2. Control Panel Application (CPA)
  3. CPA Manager
  4. Simple Badge Release
  5. PIN & Badge Management
  6. Copy/Scan Tracking
  7. Email Printing Overview
  8. PrinterLogic App
  9. Offline Secure Release Printing
  10. Off-Network Printing Summary
  11. Quota Management
  12. Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)

Release Notes

PrinterLogic's release notes serve as a comprehensive resource to promptly discover the latest updates and changes in our application. In them you can easily access information about feature enhancements, new feature announcements, resolved bugs, known issues, and other pertinent details. The PrinterLogic release notes are regularly published to keep you informed about the improvements we continuously bring to our product. Release Notes are published as follows:

  • SaaS release notes are published on a regular cadence of each Friday.
  • Client release notes are published when a new client is released.
  • Mobile app release notes are published anytime a new app is released.
  • Security Bulletins are published anytime a security vulnerability is identified or fixed.
  1. Release Notes 2024
  2. Security


  1. Log File Locations
  2. PrinterLogic Knowledge Base