Install Chrome OS Client

The PrinterLogic Client requires the use of the Chrome OS Client and can be deployed from within the Google Admin Console by system administrators.

These steps are NOT for installing the full PrinterLogic Client on Windows, Mac, or Linux workstations. For information on those steps, see the appropriate operating system installation instructions found in this section.

The Chrome OS client includes features designed specifically for Chrome OS; for example, spooling print jobs. The image below shows the client as it appears in the Chrome OS user interface.

Browser screen with an arrow pointing to the Chrome OS Client Extension in the browser tray.

The Chrome OS Client is only compatible with Google Identity service. It will not work with other IdPs.

The Chrome OS Client is designed to function much in the same way as the PrinterLogic Client you can install on Windows, Mac, and Linux workstations. For more information on the PrinterLogic Client, see PrinterLogic Components.

Important Extension Notice

In January 2023, Google phased out its previous extension technology, Manifest 2.0. Google now only support Manifest 3.0. Microsoft Edge Chromium followed the same migration timeline. Because of this change PrinterLogic customers who use our Chrome Browser Extension, Edge Chromium extension, or our Chrome OS Client must run Version 88 or later of the Chrome or Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser. Additionally, you will need to be running the most current version of our extensions. Our extensions update automatically and will be compatible with Google's latest standard.

Create Chrome OS Client

Follow the steps below to download and install the Chrome OS Client.

  1. Open a browser.
  2. Log in to the Google Admin Console at Google may require you to verify your identity.
  3. Click the Main Menu and select Devices then Chrome.

    Google Admin portal with the left-side menu expanded and the Chrome sub-option highlighted under the Devices parent option.

  4. In the Chrome Management page, click Apps & extensions.

    Chrome Management window showing the Apps and extensions option highlighted in the middle.

  5. In the Apps & extensions page, select the appropriate organizational unit in the Google Admin tree view.

    Google Admin Portal showing the Organizational units on the left side with one highlighted.

  6. Click the Add button and then select the Add by Chrome app or extension ID button.

    Portal with the Add icon highlighted in the lower right.

  7. In the Add by Chrome app or extension ID window appears, enter the following into the Extension ID field.


    Copy Code

    Add Extension ID window with the extension added, and the Cancel and Save buttons are visible in the lower right.

  8. Click Save.

The PrinterLogic Client Extension appears in the Users & Browsers tab.

Configure Chrome OS Client

  1. Click on the PrinterLogic Client Extension to configure it.

    Google Admin Portal showing the extension added to the correct organizational unit.

  2. Copy the following JSON query:


    "pi url": {"Value":"<ENTER_URL_HERE>"},

    "auth_code": {"Value":"ENTER_CODE HERE"}


    Copy Code
    "pi url": {"Value":"<ENTER_URL_HERE>"},
    "auth_code": {"Value":"ENTER_CODE HERE"}
  3. Paste the copied JSON query into the Policy for extensions section.

    By default, the Policy for extensions section will display Enter a JSON value.

    Extension window showing the Policy section highlighted where the values are entered.

  4. In the Policy for extensions field, replace <ENTER_URL_HERE> with the full URL of your PrinterLogic instance (See image below):

    Extension window showing the pi URL section highlighted near the bottom.

    Replace <ENTER_URL_HERE> with the name of your PrinterLogic instance as it appears when visiting the Self-service Portal.
    Depending on where your instance is hosted, there may be a numerical digit following
    EMEA instances include
    APAC instances include
    Canada instances include


    If you don't have a PrinterLogic instance, navigate to to start your demo of the product..

  5. Generate a non-expiring authorization code (Device Authorization) in the PrinterLogic Admin Console.
  6. In the Policy for extensions field, replace <ENTER_CODE_HERE> with the authorization code.

    Extension section showing the Auth Code line highlighted near the bottom.

  7. Close the Google Admin right side window pane.
  8. Force Install+ Pin the PrinterLogic Chrome OS extension.

    Google Portal showing the Force Install + PIN option selected in the extension drop-down.

  9. Click Save.
  10. Close the Google Admin window.

The PrinterLogic client extension appears on the Chromebook browser once the policy updates on the device.

Self-Serivce Portal showing the extension Icon and options after a successful installation and deployment.