SNMP with a Service Client

Use a Service Client to collect SNMP data from printers in the environment. Configure default SNMP settings on Tools then Settings then General, and use the Service Client's SNMP tab to enable and start the service. Reference SNMP without a Service Client to configure SNMP without using a Service Client.

You can enable SNMP on only one Service Client object at a time. If you have more than one Service Client object, and you enable SNMP on one and then try to set it on another, a notification will be displayed stating that it's already configured. To move the SNMP service, you must deselect Enable SNMP Service on the current Service Client object to enable the service on another. When the SNMP service is enabled, the name of the selected Service Client object populates in the Service Client Name field on Tools then Settings then General.

In Tools then Settings then General, the SNMP Settings section has a subsection of the same name. These fields become available only if you have Use a service client to collect SNMP information enabled.

The SNMP settings are located in Tools then Settings then General rather than in the SNMP tab because not all PrinterLogic administrators use a service client object, and we do not want to require you to use one if you do not need it.

The Service Client device requires the PrinterLogic client installed and authorized so it can communicate with the instance.

Set up Service Client

A Service Client is a machine used for several features within the PrinterLogic application. It can be a workstation or a server always available on your network.

  1. Log in to the Admin Console.
  2. In the tree view, select the parent folder you would like for the Service Client Object.
  3. Click New then Service Client.

    • Right-click on the folder for the same options.

    Admin Console tree view showing the New then Service Client options as seen after right-clicking on a folder.

  4. Add an identifiable name to the Service Client.
  5. Enter the IP Address or FQDN of the Service Client host machine.

    If using HTTPS, an FQDN is suggested to reduce potential communication issues. This is especially important for CPA manufacturers such as Ricoh, Toshiba, and Kyocera.

    Service Client pop-up with fields for the Name and the IP Address or Hostname, and the Add Service Client and Cancel buttons.

  6. Click Add Service Client.
    • The Service Client displays in the tree view under the folder it was added.
  7. Navigate to the machine designated as the Service Client.
  8. In the system tray or start menu, manually Refresh Configurations.

     Refresh Configuration steps as seen from the system tray.

  9. Verify the service is running via Task Manager.
  10. Open Task Manager and select the Processes or Details tab.
  11. Confirm the PrinterLogicServiceManager.exe process is running along with the three client processes.

    Task Manager Details tab view with the PrinterLogic Service Manager service running and highlighted.

    Each service you enable on the Service Client starts a new service viewable in Task Manager.

Enable SNMP

  1. Navigate to the Service Client object in the Admin Console.
  2. Select the SNMP tab.
  3. Check the box for Enable SNMP Service.

  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Service Client, verify the PrinterLogicServiceSNMP.exe is running.

    1. Open Task Manager and select the Processes or Details tab.
    2. The three client processes, PrinterLogicServiceManager.exe, and PrinterLogicServiceSNMP.exe should all be running.
    3. Services for other features enabled on the Service Client will also be running.

    Task Manager's Details tab showing running PrinterLogic services, and an arrow pointing to the PrinterLogicServiceSNMP.exe process.

This starts the SNMP service on the Service Client machine. If you don't see the service running in Task Manager, perform a Refresh Configurations from the system tray or start menu.

Configure SNMP Settings

  1. In the Admin Console, click Tools then Settings then General.
  2. Scroll to the SNMP Settings section and enable Use a Service Client to collect SNMP information.

    SNMP Settings section on the General tab with the option to Use Service Client to collect SNMP information selected, and the option to have workstations report SNMP data deselected.

    Deselect Have each workstation report SNMP data to PrinterLogic for installed printers.

  3. In the Service Client Name field, select the Service Client object used to collect SNMP data.

    SNMP Settings section on the General tab with an arrow pointing to the drop-down where the SNMP service client is defined.

    This field can auto-populate by selecting a Service Client object in the tree view and enabling the SNMP service on the SNMP tab.

  4. In the field By default, SNMP monitoring for each printer is:, select On.
  5. Configure the SNMP settings as needed.

    TheSNMP Settings section is unavailable if you deselect Use a service client to collect SNMP information in the SNMP Status Monitoring section.

    SNMP Settings section on the General tab showing the Service Client specific SNMP settings for on/off by default, reporting under normal and error conditions, fields for SNMP v1 and 2 Public and Private names, and SNMP v3 configuration fields.

  6. (Optional) Configure the SNMP v3 settings as needed if being used.
  7. Click Save.
  8. In the Admin Console tree view, select the desired printer object and click the Status tab.
  9. Click Use Global.

    Status tab of a printer object with the Use Global option enabled in the Settings section.

  10. Click Save.