Deploying the Client

Here we provide an overview on how to install the Client on workstations using scripts, empowering IT teams to efficiently manage software installations at scale.

ARM processors are not currently supported for Admin Console machines and end user workstations.

End user workstations require the Virtual Appliance Client software on the machine to do the following:

  • Install printers on the workstation.
  • Install or update drivers on the workstation.
  • Collect metadata for print jobs, for use in reports.
  • Hold print jobs in a print queue.
  • Release held print jobs to a destination printer.

There are several ways to install the Virtual Appliance Client installation on workstations. You can find instructions on how to manually install the Client on a workstation in OS Installation Instructions.

There are also Client packages available in the Admin Console that you can download and use with a Windows startup script, a third-party application (like SCCM, Intune, or Landesk), or a GPO (Group Policy Object Software Installation Package) on workstations with a supported Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system.

We recommend that you use the software deployment tool used by your organization.

Installation Requirements

Workstation minimum Client installation requirements:

  • An operating system with a minimum of 100MB of free hard disk space. Print drivers may require additional space.
  • If you are using an anti-virus software, please add the list of folders to exclude from antivirus scans. For more information, see Antivirus Exclusions.

Authorization Code

To authorize the workstation communication between the Client and the Admin Console, you must include an authorization code in the installation scripts. Here are the steps for generating an authorization code:

  1. Open a web browser and sign in to the Admin Console.
  2. Navigate to Tools then Tokens then Authorized Devices or Tools then Authorized Devices depending on your permissions.
  3. Use the Code Expiration length drop-down to select the expiration time.
  4. Select Generate.

    Generate code option

See Device Authorization to learn more.

Client Installation Package

Use these steps to download the Client installation package.

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Tools then Settings then Client.
  2. Scroll to the Deployable Client Packages section.
  3. Select the file type button(s) for the desired package.

    The Client Tab's Deployable Client Packages section showing the different buttons for downloading the latest client file.

Client Installation Scripts

Below is the command you can use to install the Client on a Windows workstation. Here are some additional details:

  • The /qn command runs the installation silently.
  • You can copy the PrinterInstallerClient.msi to a different distribution point.
  • To install on a multi-user environment such as Terminal Services or Citrix XenApp, you will need to configure the Client on the server or image for Remote Desktop Services mode. See Remote Desktop Services.

Run the following from a command line:

Copy Code
msiexec /i PrinterInstallerClient.msi /qn HOMEURL=https://<HOME_URL_HERE> AUTHORIZATION_CODE=<AUTH_CODE_HERE>

Replace <HOME_URL_HERE> with your instance's URL and replace <AUTH_CODE_HERE> with your authorization code.

You can add the following parameter to control whether or not to install the PrinterLogic Extension with the Client. The options are:

  • NOEXTENSION=0 — this parameter overrides any previous setting and includes the extension.
  • NOEXTENSION=1 — this parameter overrides any previous setting and excludes the extension.

Without the Extension parameter, the command performs the same action as the last time the installer / uninstaller ran or whatever is already in the registry overrides.

Additional Client & Override Commands

Reference Client Commands and Override Options for Windows for scripts and variables to further adjust the Client to better suite your environment.

Mac devices using an M1 chip must have Rosetta installed on the device for the Client to communicate correctly.

Do not use the Reset Printing System option in the Printers & Scanners view on macOS, as it can lead to adverse behavior with the Mac Client. For more information, see Reset Printing System Option.

By default, the Virtual Appliance Client deployment checks for SSL certificates for security considerations. We recommend using SSL Certificates to encrypt data between the Virtual Appliance and other connected systems to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your communications.

Not using SSL Certificates requires additional configuration that may require assistance from Vasion support engineers.

Save the .pkg file in the /tmp file directory. If you have not downloaded the file yet, you can use this command:

Copy Code
curl -o /tmp/PrinterInstallerClientSetup.pkg https://<HOME_URL_HERE>/client/setup/PrinterInstallerClientSetup.pkg

Replace <HOME_URL_HERE> with your instance URL.

Use this command to install the Client:

Copy Code
sudo installer -allowUntrusted -pkg /tmp/PrinterInstallerClientSetup.pkg -target / && sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/ https <HOME_URL_HERE> && sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/ <AUTH_CODE_HERE>

Replace <HOME_URL_HERE> with your instance's URL and replace <AUTH_CODE_HERE> with your authorization code.

Additional Client & Override Commands

Reference Client Commands and Override Options for Mac / Linux for scripts and variables to further adjust the Client to better suite your environment.

We recommend the latest version of CUPS printer to successfully install the Client.

Ubuntu LTS 18

Ubuntu/CUPS Update Commands (Optional)

Copy Code
sudo apt update
apt-get --reinstall install cups-daemon

Install and Configure the Client

  1. Get the Client install .deb file from the server:

    Copy Code
    64 bit
    wget https://<HOME_URL_HERE>/client/setup/printerinstallerclient_amd64.deb

    Replace <HOME_URL_HERE> with your instance URL.

  2. Install the Client, set Home URL, and authorize the Client with the following command:

    Copy Code
    64 bit
    sudo dpkg -i printerinstallerclient_amd64.deb || sudo apt-get -f install && sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/./ https <HOME_URL_HERE> && sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/ <AUTH_CODE_HERE>

    Replace <HOME_URL_HERE> with your instance URL and replace <AUTH_CODE_HERE> with your authorization code.

    If you are on a 64-bit HP ThinPro device, install the Client with the following command:

    Copy Code
    sudo dpkg -i printerinstallerclient_amd64.deb || sudo apt-get -f install && sudo /writable/opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/./ https <HOME_URL_HERE> && sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/ <AUTH_CODE_HERE>

Ubuntu LTS 20

Install Dependencies

  1. Install APT dependencies.

    Copy Code
    apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y \
      cups \
      libc-bin \
      libcups2 \
      libgssapi-krb5-2 \
      libtcl8.6 \
      libtk8.6 \
      libappindicator3-1 \
      libssl1.1 \
  2. Download and install Virtual Appliance dependencies.

    Copy Code
    sudo dpkg -i libffi6_3.2.1-8_amd64.deb
    sudo apt-get -f install

Install and Configure the Client

  1. Download and install the Client.

    Copy Code
    wget https://<HOME_URL_HERE>/client/setup/printerinstallerclient_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i printerinstallerclient_amd64.deb
    sudo apt-get -f install

    Replace <HOME_URL_HERE> with your instance URL.

  2. Stop the Client.

    Copy Code
    sudo systemctl stop printer-installer-client
    sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterInstallerClientService
    sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterInstallerClientInterface
    sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicIdpAuthentication
    sudo killall -s SIGKILL system_tray_icon
    #If the device is configured as the Service Client, the commands below stop the additional services running.
    sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServiceManager
    sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServicePrinterApp
    sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServiceIdentitySync
    sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServiceSNMP
    sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServiceOffNetworkClient
    sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServiceOffNetworkServer
  3. Add the LD_Library_Path for dependencies.

    Copy Code
    sudo sed -i 's/^\$EXE \&/LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$INSTALL_DIRECTORY\/service_interface\/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" $EXE \&/' /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/service_interface/
  4. Set the Home URL.

    Copy Code
    sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/ <HomeURL_Scheme> <HomeURL>

    Replace <HomeURL_Scheme> with HTTPS and replace <Home URL> with your instance URL.

  5. Set the authorization code.

    Copy Code
    sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/ <AuthCode>

    Replace <AuthCode> with your authorization code.

Additional Client & Proxy Override Commands

Reference Client Commands and Override Options for Mac / Linux for scripts and variables to further adjust the Client to better suite your environment.

CUPS is required if you are using Pull Print/Secure Release Print.

CUPS Installation Steps

  1. Open a browser and navigate to
  2. Download the newest version of CUPS.
  3. Open a terminal and enter cd Downloads to change to the downloads directory.
  4. In the downloads directory enter tar -xzf cups2.x.tar.gz change the x to the latest version number(s) to extract the files.
  5. Enter cd cups2.x to navigate to the newly extracted cups directory.
  6. Enter ./configure.
  7. Enter make.
  8. Enter make install.

Verify the CUPS installation by typing cups-config --version.

Red Hat 7

  1. Get the Client install .rpm file from the server:

    Copy Code
    wget https://<HOME_URL_HERE>/client/setup/printerinstallerclient_x86_64.rpm

    Replace <HOME_URL_HERE> with your instance URL.

  2. Install the Client, set Home URL, and authorize the Client with the following command:

    Copy Code
    64 bit
    sudo yum -y localinstall printerinstallerclient_x86_64.rpm | sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/ https <HOME_URL_HERE> && sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/ <AUTH_CODE>

    Replace <HOME_URL_HERE> with your instance URL and replace <AUTH_CODE_HERE> with your authorization code.

You can confirm the Client is installed by looking for the tab in the lower-left corner.

If the client Icon is not visible, it may be auto-hidden.

Red Hat 8

  1. Get the Client install .rpm file from the server:

    Copy Code
    wget https://<HOME_URL_HERE>/client/setup/printerinstallerclient_x86_64.rpm

    Replace <HOME_URL_HERE> with your instance URL.

  2. Install the Client, set Home URL, and authorize the Client with the following command:

    Copy Code
    64 bit
    sudo yum -y localinstall printerinstallerclient_x86_64.rpm | sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/ https <HOME_URL_HERE> && sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/ <AUTH_CODE>

    Replace <HOME_URL_HERE> with your instance URL and replace <AUTH_CODE_HERE> with your authorization code.

You can confirm the Client is installed by looking for the tab in the lower-left corner.

If the client Icon is not visible, it may be auto-hidden.

Additional Client & Proxy Override Commands

Reference Client Commands and Override Options for Mac / Linux for scripts and variables to further adjust the Client to better suite your environment.

Write Filtered Systems

Installing the Client on write-filtered computers may cause an infinite reboot loop, as the Client attempts to reboot the computer as part of its check-in; specifically as it attempts to disable /enable the write filter to install printers.

If you experience this issue, do the following:

  1. In the Admin Console, go to Tools then Settings then Client.
  2. Scroll down to Write Filter Settings.
  3. Select Disable clients installed with write filter support.
  4. Select Save on the top-right corner.

The Virtual Appliance Client is highly customizable. Learn more about the various Client options: