Client Commands

Below are some common commands when using the Virtual Appliance client on Windows, macOS, and Linux machines.

For overrides, reference Override Options for Windows and Override Options for Mac / Linux.


Start Client

Copy Code
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Printer Properties Pro\Printer Installer Client\PrinterInstallerClient.exe" hideclientwindow

Open Client Console

Copy Code
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Printer Properties Pro\Printer Installer Client\PrinterInstallerClient.exe" showclientwindow

Open Default Printer Modal

Copy Code
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Printer Properties Pro\Printer Installer Client\PrinterInstallerClient.exe" autoopensetdefault

Open Delete Printer Modal

Copy Code
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Printer Properties Pro\Printer Installer Client\PrinterInstallerClient.exe" autoopendeleteprinter

Open Installed Printers List

Copy Code
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Printer Properties Pro\Printer Installer Client\PrinterInstallerClient.exe" autoopenviewprinter

Open the Self-service Portal

Copy Code
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Printer Properties Pro\Printer Installer Client\PrinterInstallerClient.exe" autoopensystray

Refresh the Client

Copy Code
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Printer Properties Pro\Printer Installer Client\PrinterInstallerClient.exe" refresh

Refresh the Client (Silent)

Copy Code
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Printer Properties Pro\Printer Installer Client\PrinterInstallerClient.exe" silentrefresh

Shutdown Client

Copy Code
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Printer Properties Pro\Printer Installer Client\PrinterInstallerClient.exe" Shutdown

Uninstall Client

Copy Code
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msiexec.exe /x {A9DE0858-9DDD-4E1B-B041-C2AA90DCBF74}


Download the Client Installation File

Copy Code
curl -o /tmp/PrinterInstallerClientSetup.pkg https://<HOME_URL_HERE>/client/setup/PrinterInstallerClientSetup.pkg

Replace <HOME_URL_HERE> with your instance URL.

macOS / Linux

Start the Client

Copy Code
sudo systemctl start printer-installer-client

Stop the Client

Copy Code
sudo systemctl stop printer-installer-client
sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterInstallerClientService
sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterInstallerClientInterface
sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicIdpAuthentication
sudo killall -s SIGKILL system_tray_icon
#If the device is configured as the Service Client, the commands below stop the additional services running.
sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServiceManager
sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServicePrinterApp
sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServiceIdentitySync
sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServiceSNMP
sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServiceOffNetworkClient
sudo killall -s SIGKILL PrinterLogicServiceOffNetworkServer

Refresh the Client

Copy Code
sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/

Uninstall the Client

Copy Code
sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/

Create Debug Bundle

This command creates a debug bundle for troubleshooting with our support team and stores it in /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin, using the naming scheme PrinterLogic-debug-<timestamp>.zip.

Copy Code
sudo /opt/PrinterInstallerClient/bin/

List all Virtual Appliance Binaries Currently Running

Copy Code
sudo ps aux | grep "$(cat /etc/pl_dir)"

Set Proxy Server on Mac/Ubuntu/Red Hat

Copy Code



To disable the proxy completely, reference Override Options for Mac / Linux.