CPA 1.0

Here we provide an overview of the capabilities and supported devices for the first generation of the Vasion Control Panel Application (CPA). For complete requirements and installation instructions, see the manufacturer page.

CPA 1.0 does not require a Service Client to install the CPA. The Service Client drop-down on the Apps tab is only used when installing Copy/Scan Tracking on a printer.

Universal Requirements

Each MFP manufacturer has specific requirements for a successful Gen 1 installation. Here are some requirements that are universal for all manufacturers.

Most manufacturers, with the exception of Konica Minolta, also require you to configure the DNS Server settings by logging in to the printer configuration web page and, at a minimum, add the IP address to the Primary DNS Server field and to the Secondary DNS Server field, if applicable.

The printer's configuration web page varies by manufacturer.

Supported Manufacturers / Devices

Not all manufacturers support both versions of the CPA. If a manufacturer does not support the Gen 1 version of the CPA, the Version field does not display in the interface. The Admin Console defaults to CPA 2.0 for installation, and the instructions contained within this section do not apply. For a list of supported devices, see PrinterLogic CPA.

CPA Supported Manufacturers


Authentication Methods

Multifunction Printer (MFP)

Card Reader

Install/Uninstall Ports

HP - CPA 1.0

  • Manual Login (non-SSO)
  • Badge
  • FutureSmart 4 & 5 devices with touch screen control panel at least 4.3".
  • HP-embedded readers, only.

SOAP 7627

Konica Minolta - CPA 1.0

  • Manual Login (non-SSO)
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Badge


TCP 443, 50003

Lexmark - CPA 1.0

  • Manual Login (non-SSO)
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Badge
  • Virtual Appliance is certified on any device running the 3.x, 4.x, or the 5.x framework.
  • Any card reader that is in keyboard emulation mode.**
  • Omnikey 5427 CK as a socket connection.


Ricoh - CPA 1.0

  • Manual Login (non-SSO)
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Badge
  • Virtual Appliance is certified by Ricoh on all platform 10.x, 11.x and 12.x devices.
  • We do no support pull printing with a Fiery controller.
  • RFIDeas with a keyboard emulation mode
  • Elatec†


Toshiba - CPA 1.0

  • Manual Login (non-SSO)
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Badge



Xerox - CPA 1.0

  • Manual Login (non-SSO)
  • Badge
  • EIP Level 1.0.
  • EIP 2.0 for badge scanning .
  • EIP 3.0 for Single Sign-On (SSO).
  • Virtual Appliance supports the card readers supported by the individual devices.

TCP 433

**Newer Lexmark devices may require an additional keyboard emulation USB driver. Contact your Lexmark dealer.

†Elatec is unresponsive on first badge scan. Subsequent scans are properly recognized.