Xerox - CPA 1.0

Follow these steps to install the first-generation Control Panel Application (CPA) on Xerox printers.

Installation Instructions

Ensure all of the universal requirements are completed and functional prior to CPA setup.

Additional Port Information

All communication runs over port 443.

Installation Steps

If the Version field does not appear in the interface, the manufacturer does not support CPA 1.0. You will need to follow the appropriate CPA 2.0 topic.

These are the steps to install the CPA on a single printer using the printer object's Apps tab. Reference CPA Manager to install the CPA on multiple printers at once.

  1. In the Admin Console tree structure, select a printer.
  2. Select the Apps tab.
  3. In the Manufacturer field, select the desired manufacturer.
  4. In the Version field, select CPA 1.0.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Select Install Application on Printer.
  7. The CPA Installer downloads and generates a modal requesting the credentials for the printer web interface.
  8. Enter the credentials and select Install.

CPA v1 CPA Installer pop-up showing the Printer name and IP Address, along with fields to enter the username and password, and the Install button at the bottom to start the installation.

CPA 1.0 does not require a Service Client to install the CPA. The Service Client drop-down on the Apps tab is only used when installing Copy/Scan Tracking on a printer.

Copy/Scan Tracking

Copy/Scan Tracking uses SNMP to track and report the number of copies and scans on a supported multi-function printer. The Print Job Records report provides details on the number of scans and copies on the selected printer for auditing and reporting purposes.

The Service Client drop-down field and Install Copy/Scan Tracking on printer setting on the printer object's Apps tab are separate from the CPA v1 installation. Reference the Copy/Scan Tracking topic for prerequisites and steps.

Printer object's Apps tab showing the CPA v1 installation fields and buttons, with the Service Client drop-down and Install copy/scan tracking on printer checkbox.

Uninstall the CPA

You can uninstall the CPA using the Admin Console, Embedded Web Server (EWS), or from the device.

From the Admin Console

  1. Navigate to the printer's Apps tab.
  2. Select the Uninstall Application from Printer button.
  3. The CPA Installer / Uninstaller downloads and generates a modal requesting the credentials for the printer web interface.

  4. Enter the credentials and select Uninstall.

The CPA is uninstalled when the process completes.

CPA v1 CPA Installer pop-up showing the Printer name, IP address, fields for the username and password, and the Uninstall button at the bottom.

From the EWS/Web Interface

  1. Access the EWS UI/Web Interface for the printer using the Web Interface link on the printer's General tab in the Admin Console.
  2. Navigate to Properties then Apps then Custom Apps then Weblet Management. (This path may vary between models)
  3. Locate the Virtual Appliance CPA.
  4. Select Delete.

From the Printer

  1. Access the Control Panel of the device.
  2. Navigate to Tools then App Settings then Weblet Settings then Weblet Management. (This path may vary between models)
  3. Locate the Virtual Appliance CPA.
  4. Select Delete.