Virtual Appliance Supported Languages

The Control Panel Application (CPA), Self-service Portal Web page that end users can self install printers., and the Release Portal A web page users log into to see print jobs that are held and waiting to be sent to physical printers. support the following languages.

  • Dutch - 0413
  • English - 0409
  • French - 040C
  • German - 0407
  • Italian - 0410
  • Japanese - 0411
  • Polish - 0415
  • Portuguese - 0416
  • Simplified Chinese - 0404
  • Spanish - 040A
  • Swedish - 0409
  • Thai - 041E
  • Turkish - 041F

The choice of language is made using the following criteria.

  • If the operating system supports language packs, then Virtual Appliance uses the first supported display language that the user selects.
  • If the operating system does not support language packs (or none are installed), the printer uses the “locale” setting.
  • If Virtual Appliance does not support any of the languages found, it will default to English.