Secure Release Printing

Secure printing is a one-to-one option for held print jobs. That means the print job is sent to a specific printer, but held on workstation until you choose to release the job to that printer. A secure job can only be released to the printer it was sent to. The release can be triggered by using the Release Portal, the Control Panel Application (CPA), Simple Badge Release, designated release stations, or the PrinterLogic App.

Where the end-user needs to authenticate to see and release jobs, an identity provider must be configured.

Diagram showing the workflow traffic from the user initiating the job through to it being released and printed.

The steps required to set up Secure Release Printing using the default settings are outlined below.

Enable Secure Printing

This feature enables the Release tab on printers and the Release Portal. This allows users to hold print jobs sent to a printer from their workstation until they are released at a later time using a release mechanism. (e.g. Release Portal, Mobile App, Control Panel Application, Simple Badge Release.)

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Tools then Settings then Printing.
  2. In the Pull Printing section, click Enable Workstation Pull Printing/Secure Printing.
  3. Click Save.

Default or Printer-specific

These steps walk you through enabling Secure Release Printing on a default (Global) or printer-specific level.

  1. Navigate to Tools then Settings then Printing in the Admin Console.
  2. Scroll to the Default per-printer Secure Release settings: in the Pull Printing section.
  3. Using the drop-down, enable Secure Release Printing by default (Global) or disable for the printer-specific option.
  4. Optional: Enable Offline Secure Release Printing.
  5. Click Save.

Pull Printing section showing the different Pull and Secure print settings and options.

At this point, Secure Release Printing is configured and jobs can be released from the Release Portal. Other secure release options include:

Release Portal

Jobs sent to secure print enabled printers will show and can be released from the end-user's Release Portal or another release mechanism like the PrinterLogic App or Control Panel Application.

To access the Release Portal:

  • In a supported browser, visit <YourInstanceURL>/release.
  • Visit your Self-service Portal.
    1. Click Menu.
    2. Navigate to Pull Printing > Print Job Management.
      • If you don't see these menu options, check your Shortcut Options on Tools then Settings then Client in the Admin Console.
      • Reference Client Settings Tab

To release a job, check the box next to the held print job and click Release.

Release Portal showing three pull print jobs and one secure print job held, and the Release and Delete buttons under each queue.

CPA Release Settings

If using the Control Panel Application (CPA) to release held print jobs, configure the release settings below based on the Identity Provider in use.

It's important to note that default authentication settings vary depending on the chosen identity provider. The LDAP settings differ from configuring settings for an IdP such as Okta or Entra ID (Azure AD).