Scan to Cloud

Scan To Cloud for CPA and Mobile Scanning for the PrinterLogic SaaS app follow similar configurations. The global scan settings and installation of the Scan To Cloud app on the printer are specific to Scan To Cloud for CPA, and the Enable Mobile Scanning section is specific to the PrinterLogic SaaS app.


  • Scan To Cloud requires customers to opt in to the Unified Login experience. See Unified Login Experience.
  • For Scan To Cloud on the printer, the Control Panel Application (CPA) 2.0 must to be installed on the printer.
    • The PrinterLogic SaaS Mobile Scanning feature does not require CPA installation.
  • The latest Identity Provider (IdP) Settings version.
  • Scan To Cloud requires a connection to a 3rd party storage provider. See the list below.

Vasion Automate has a 15 min inactivity timeout. Please be aware that the inactivity timeout applies to the Global Scan Settings screen

Configure the Cloud Storage Connection

If not already done, use one of the links below to configure the cloud storage connection. You enable the scanning when you configure the cloud storage connection.

Configure Global Default Settings

Access the global scan settings from the menu. Go to Tools then Settings then Scanning and expand the Scan Settings section. These options are for Scan To Cloud using the CPA.

Scan Settings

Each setting is categorized as an input or output value, delineating how you position documents on the scanner (input) versus how they appear post-scanning (output). It's important to understand the category and how the values are applied, to configure the settings correctly.

Options for Scan Settings

Input Values

Output Values

  • Duplex
    • 1-Sided
    • 2-Sided-book
    • 2-Sided-flip-up
  • Paper size
    • Auto (Auto detection is available on Xerox devices only)
    • Letter
    • A4
    • A3
  • Orientation
    • Portrait
    • Landscape

      Short-edge-first orientation is required by default.

  • File Type
    • PDF
    • JPEG
    • TIFF
  • Color Mode
    • Black & White
    • Greyscale
    • Color
    • Auto
  • DPI
    • 100
    • 200
    • 300
    • 600

If you want to modify the default printer settings, go to the Scan Settings section and use the drop-down set the appropriate scan settings. Select Save on the top-right corner.

These settings apply globally to all printers. You can set printer-specific settings in the printer Apps tab.

Scan settings options

Enable Mobile Scanning

The following steps are only required if you are using the Mobile Scanning feature for the PrinterLogic SaaS app. If you are only configuring Scan To Cloud for CPA, continue to the next section.

To enable this feature for your end users:

  1. Log into your Admin Console.
  2. Navigate to Tools then Settings then Scanning.
  3. Expand the Mobile Scan Settings drop-down.
  4. Select the toggle for Enable Mobile App Scanning.
  5. Optional: Select the option for Allow native phone scan functions.
    1. This setting allows scanned jobs to be sent natively via apps like email and SMS.

The Scan option in the mobile app begins showing shortly after the setting is enabled.

Mobile Scan settings as seen in the Admin Console.

For steps on using the mobile app's Scan feature, reference Mobile Scanning. If you configured cloud storage and are using preset scan locations, continue with the steps below.

Preset Scan Locations

You can set up multiple connections to your preferred storage provider, but can only configure a connection to a folder once. When you connect preset scan locations, you assign a unique name which is displayed on the Scan to Storage screen, Preset Destination drop-down. For Mobile Scanning, the unique name displays in the Export options for users.

To configure folder destinations, you must have already created the folders in the cloud storage location.

You can only set up a destination folder once. I you try to configure multiple scan locations to the same folder, Scan To Cloud will not function as expected.

Preset destinations displayed on the CPA

Cloud Drive

  1. Select Preset Scan Locations.
  2. Select Cloud Drive.
  3. Select Add Configuration.
  4. In Configuration Details Complete the following:
    1. Preset Configuration Name — enter a name to identify the scan destination.
    2. Cloud Provider — use the drop-down to select the storage provider where the folder is located.
    3. Default File Name — you can define what name is applied to the file when it's scanned. Choose from the following:
      1. Select one or more options from the list. If you select more than one, they display in the order they are selected.
      2. Manually enter a default file name. You can enter a manual input and preset selections.
      3. Leave the field blank. End users are allowed to enter or modify this name at the CPA, if needed.

        Cloud Drive preset configuration details

  5. Select Next.
  6. In Folder Destination, select the folder you want to use for this preset location. If you have many folders, you can use the Search Drive field to quickly locate your folder.

    Folder destination screen

  7. Select Next.
  8. In Permissions select any users or groups you want to have access to the preset destination.

    Permissions screen

  9. Select Save Configuration.

After configuring the Cloud Connection and Preset Scan Location(s), the storage location(s) appears on users' mobile devices when they use the Export option.

Install Scan To Cloud

The following steps are only for customers using the Scan To Cloud feature for CPA.

  1. In the Admin Console, go the printer where you want to install Scan To Cloud.
  2. Select the Apps tab.
  3. Ensure correct manufacturer, CPA version, and Service Client are selected.
  4. In the Install Embedded Application section, check the Scan To Cloud option.
  5. In the Scan Settings section, select from the following:
    1. Use global scan settings — this is the default option. the settings applied are what is configured in the global scan settings.
    2. Use printer specific scan settings — this enables the drop-downs so you can adjust the settings as needed.
  6. Select Save on the top-right corner.

Printer Apps tab, scan settings options