Simple Badge Release

Simple Badge Release allows an end-user to scan a badge and release a print job. Printers configured for Simple Badge Release must be IP-based printers only.


Simple Badge Release is an alternative for administrators to provide a badge release option on a printer that cannot have the Control Panel Application installed because it has no digital display.

With Simple Badge Release, you can release both Pull Printing and Secure Printing jobs. Pull Printing releases all print jobs in the end-users queue. Secure Release Printing allows you to release the last print job sent to the print queue, which is not available with Pull Printing.

Before you configure the Simple Badge Release settings on the Service Client, first register your badges in the Admin Console. There are several ways to register your badges depending on where you are going to store them:

Be aware that once you register a badge in PrinterLogic, whether stored in the PrinterLogic database or the Identity provider database, the badge number cannot be removed or disassociated from a user within the PrinterLogicAdmin Console. Instead, you must remove the user from PrinterLogic, make the desired changes with the badge, and then reprovision.

  1. Sync badge attributes from an Identity Provider, be it LDAP or Cloud IdP.

If storing badge information in the PrinterLogic database:

  1. Upload badge numbers in bulk via CSV file.

    Manually registering badges via the Badge Management tab or importing badges using a CSV is currently not supported for cloud-based IdPs such as Entra ID (Azure AD), Okta, etc.

  2. If using a CPA, have end-users self register their badges.
  3. Have IT admin manually enter username and badge ID in the Admin Console.

After finishing the prerequisite steps, the next step is configuring the Simple Badge Release settings in the Service Client. The Simple Badge Release settings are available by selecting a Service Client in the Admin Console tree view and then clicking the Simple Badge Release tab.

PrinterLogic supports RFIDeas Ethernet 241 and Elatec TCPConv2 and TCP 3.


Enable Simple Badge Release

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to the Service Client's Simple Badge Release tab.

    Admin Console view with a Service Client object selected in the left side tree view, and the Simple Badge Release tab of the object is highlighted to the right.

  2. Click Enable Simple Badge Release.

    Service Client's simple badge release tab with an arrow pointing to the checkbox to enable the simple badge service.

    Enabling Simple Badge Release will automatically open port 31990.

  3. Click Save.
  4. On the Service Client, verify the PrinterLogicServiceSimpleBadgeRelease.exe is running.

    • Open Task Manager and select the Processes or Details tab.
    • The three client processes, PrinterLogicServiceManager.exe, and PrinterLogicServiceSimpleBadgeRelease.exe should all be running.
    • Services for other features enabled on the Service Client will also be running.

    Task manager view showing the three PrinterLogic client services, the PrinterLogic service manager service, and the simple badge release service running on the details tab.

Add Supported Badge Reader(s)

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to the Service Client's Simple Badge Release tab.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Device field, select from the supported badge readers in the drop-down menu.
  4. In the IP Address field, type the IP address of the badge reader to which you are connecting.

    These fields are available only after you select a badge reader device in the Device field.

  5. In the Username and Password fields, type the credentials required to access the badge reader to which you are connecting.
  6. In the Printer ID field, type the printer object ID.
  7. Or select the printer object from the list and click Send to Printer ID.
  8. When done, click Add.

The steps for adding a badge reader to the simple badge release tab starting with the Add button and going through configuring the fields.

The device is displayed in the Simple Badge Release tab.

Configure Release Type

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to the printer object's Printing tab.
  2. In the Pull Printing: Simple Badge Release Device section, click Last print job in the user's queue or All print jobs in the user's queue.

    Printing tab of a printer object with an arrow pointing to the Pull Printing: Simple Badge release device section where you can choose if it releases the last job, or all jobs in the users queue when they swipe the badge.

    Pull Printing automatically releases all pull print jobs in the queue regardless of the selected setting in this section. Secure Release Printing jobs use the chosen setting in this field to release either the last print job sent to the queue or all print jobs in the queue.

  3. Click Save.