Mobile App Overview

Here is a brief overview of the PrinterLogic App. Please note that depending on how the Vasion Print (formerly PrinterLogic) solution is implemented for your organization not all screens may be available.

See the PrinterLogic App in the End User section for complete details on the app functionality.

App Components

App Header

The app header shows the following:

  • App icon — tap the icon to open the side menu to navigate the app.
  • Current feature — see where you are in the app.

App header section.

App Toolbar

The app toolbar, located at the bottom of the screen shows the following:

  • Print Release — tap the button to go to the Print Release screen.
  • Printers — tap the button to go to the Printers screen.
  • Add Printer — tap the button to install a printer (if enabled by the administrator).

The app navigation toolbar located at the bottom of the app screen.

App Screens

Print Release

The app home screen is Print Release. On this screen you can see all held print jobs you have sent to a pull printer or to Secure Release.

From this screen you can select print jobs to release or delete. You also have a QR code reader option QR Code reader button. that, when selected, will open the code reader.

Scanning the QR code on or near a printer automatically selects the printer to release the print job.

Both pull printing and secure release printing are supported when printing from the mobile device.

Printing from a mobile device holds the print job on the device, and you can only release the print job using the app. You cannot use the CPA or the Release Portal to release jobs printed from a mobile device.

Print Release screen showing four held print jobs.

Printers Screen

The Printers screen displays a list of available printers either deployed from the Admin Console, or manually installed from the app.

Pull down to refresh your screen and see the latest printer configuration. When printer deployment is controlled by your administrator, you cannot delete auto-deployed printers from the app.

If your administrator allows, you can add additional printers. For more details, see the Add Printer screen.

The Printers screen showing four printers deployed by an admin.

Add Printer Screen

The Add Printer screen serves a similar function as the Self-service Portal in that it allows you to manually install a printer on your mobile device.

Once a printer is added from this screen, it will then be listed on your Printers screen in the app.

Add Printers screen showing one folder and two printers available to install.

Side Menu

Tap on the App icon to access the side menu. From the side menu you have the following options:

  • Print — tap to access the print functionality.
  • Scan — tap to access the scanning functionality.
  • App Settings — tap to access the PrinterLogic App information details.
  • Exit — tap to sign out of the app.

The app side menu displaying the Print, Scan, Settings and Exit options.

Scan Screen

No scans

PrinterLogic App empty Scan home screen

List of scanned documents

PrinterLogic App Scan home screen

App Settings

The app Settings screen shows the following information:


  • User — the username of the person currently signed in to the app.
  • Instance — instance URL where the app is connected.

App Info

  • App Version — the current version the app is running.
  • Updated on — the date the app was updated.

Quota Management

  • Total — shows the total quota assigned to the user.
  • Remaining — shows the remaining quota available for the user.

    Quota Management requires additional licensing.


  • Auto-Capture — toggle to enable or disable auto-capture functionality.
    • Enabled — automatically captures the document when it's recognized.
    • Disabled — requires the user to tap the capture button Capture button. to scan the document.

Event Logging

  • Event Logging — toggle to enable or disable the app logging functionality.
    • Enable — app captures and logs events to use for diagnostics and debugging.
    • Disabled — app does not log any events.

Settings screen.

Event Logging

Enable event logging for print release to assist you with troubleshooting efforts. Only the app details are logged and should only be turned on for the time necessary to gather the needed information, since the log data is stored on the device.

Only one log is stored on the device at a time. So when logging is enabled again, the previous log information is replaced with the new log.

You'll receive a notification after 4 hours if logging is still enabled. Select Stop Log to disable Event Logging.

PrinterLogic Logging enabled, message modal.

Download the mobile app from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Google Play Store badge and QR code for the PrinterLogic App.App Store badge and QR code for the PrinterLogic App.

The PrinterLogic App supports the current operating system version from the supported manufacturers, plus two previous versions. For example, if Apple releases iOS 17, then iOS 16, and 15 are be supported.

For complete details about the app functionality, see the PrinterLogic App.

Troubleshooting Help