PKI Encryption

Install Win32 OpenSSL v1.1.1 .exe.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the EXE link to download.
  3. Double-click the downloaded file and proceed through the installation process.
  4. Add OpenSSL to the "PATH" variable.
  5. Click Start and type Path.
  6. Click Edit the system environment variables.
  7. Under the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button.
  8. Under the System Variables section, click Path then click Edit.
  9. Click Edit in the new pop-up box.
  10. Double-click the next available empty line and enter the path to the OpenSSL bin folder, for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSL-Win32\bin.
  11. After installing OpenSSL, reboot the machine.
  12. Enable PKI Encryption in the Email Printing section in the Service Client object.
  13. Set up Email Printing.
    1. Click the Email Printing tab.
    2. Click Enable PKI Encryption in the Admin Console below.
    3. Copy and paste the proper certification key and click Save.
  14. Restart the Service Client.

Service Client's Email Printing tab showing the Enable PKI encryption section with the enable check box, and the text field for the certificate and private key pairs.