Configuring OAuth 2.0

The steps below are for configuring OAuth 2.0 for Email Printing.

Configure App Registration

  1. Log into your Microsoft Azure portal.
  2. Select Azure Active Directory.

    Azure dashboard with the Azure Active Directory icon highlighted.

  3. Select App registrations.

    Azure dashboard with the App Registrations option highlighted on the left.

  4. Select New registration.

    Azure dashboard, App registrations section with the + New Registration button highlighted in the upper left.

  5. Give the new registration a name that will be easily recognized as pertaining to OAuth.
  6. Leave all other settings as they are, and click on Register.

    Register an application section with the Register button highlighted in the bottom left.

  7. Select the API permissions menu.

    Azure dashboard with the API Permissions option highlighted in the left-side Manage section.

  8. Select Add permission.

    API Permissions section with the Add permission button in the middle highlighted.

  9. Select Microsoft Graph.

    Request API permissions section with the Microsoft Graph API highlighted.

  10. Select Delegated permissions.

    Request API permissions section for Microsoft Graph, with the Delegated permissions option highlighted.

  11. Search for imap.

    Request API permissions section with imap entered into the Select permissions search window.

  12. Click on the IMAP permission drop-down and click the box for IMAP.AccessAsUser.All.

    Request API permissions section with the IMAP Access As User All option highlighted and selected.

  13. Click on Add permissions.

    Request API permissions section with the Add Permissions button highlighted at the bottom.

  14. Select Add permission.

    API Permissions section with the Add permission button in the middle highlighted.

  15. Select Microsoft Graph.

    Request API permissions section with the Microsoft Graph API highlighted.

  16. Select Delegated permissions.

    Request API permissions section for Microsoft Graph, with the Delegated permissions option highlighted.

  17. Search for offline.

    Request API permissions section with offline highlighted and entered into the search bar.

  18. Click on the box for offline_access and click on Add permissions.

    Request API permissions section with offline access selected and the Add permissions button highlighted.

  19. Select the Authentication menu.

    API permissions section with the Authentication option highlighted under the Manage menu on the left.

  20. Under Advanced settings, set the Allow public client flows to Yes.

    Authentication section with the Advanced Settings Allow public client flows enabled and highlighted.

  21. Select Save.

    Authentication section with the Save button highlighted in the upper middle.

  22. Select the Overview menu.

    Authentication section with the Overview option in the upper left highlighted.

  23. Keep your Azure portal on this page so you can come back to it in later steps.

Configure OAuth 2.0

  1. Return to your PrinterLogic Admin Console.
  2. Ensure you have selected the Service Client that will be used to run your Email Printing and are on the Email Printing tab.

    Admin Console showing a service client object and its email printing tab highlighted.

  3. Use the None Selected button to select the pull printer to use.
  4. In the Pull Printing Email Address section, enter in the email address that will be used to send print jobs to the email printing system for release.

    Email Printing tab with arrows pointing to the Pull Printing Email address section and the Pull Printer button.

  5. In the Incoming Mail (IMAP) Settings section, enter the Server and Server Port.

    Incoming Mail (IMAP) Settings section with arrows pointing to the Server and Server Port fields.

  6. Select OAuth 2.0 as the authentication type.

    Authentication Type section with an arrow pointing to the Authentication type drop-down.

  7. In the OAuth 2.0 settings section, enter an email address that has access to the Azure portal in the Username field.

    Oauth 2.0 settings with an arrow pointing to the username field.

  8. Return to your Azure portal, and to the Overview screen you previously left open.
  9. Copy the Application (client) ID.

    Azure Portal Oauth 2.0 section with an arrow pointing to the Application (client) ID field.

  10. Return to your Admin Console, and in the Azure Portal App Settings section, in the Client Id field, paste the Application (client) ID that you just copied from the Azure portal.

    OAuth Settings section with an arrow pointing to the Client ID field.

  11. Return to your Azure portal, and copy the Directory (tenant) ID.

    Azure Portal Oauth 2.0 section with an arrow pointing to the Directory (tenant) ID field and data.

  12. Return to your PrinterLogic Admin Console, and paste it in the Tenant Id field.

    Email printing tab with the Tenant ID filed highlighted and the value from Azure Portal added.

  13. Click on Generate Code.

    Email Printing tab with the Generate Code button highlighted.

  14. Copy the provided code.
  15. Click on Authenticate.

    Email Printing tab with an arrow pointing to the Authenticate button under the code field.

  16. Paste the code in the Microsoft screen that opens and click Next.

    Microsoft login screen asking for the generated code.

  17. On the next screen, log in with the same username that was just set in the email field in Admin Console.

    Microsoft login screen asking to Pick the Account to use for authentication.

  18. Select the Consent on behalf of your organization box, then click on Accept.

    Microsoft login screen with permissions and a consent checkbox showing.

  19. Return to the PrinterLogic Admin Console and click on Activate and wait for the Activation was successful prompt.

    Email Printing tab with an arrow pointing to the Activate button and Successful Activation message below it.

  20. Save your changes.