Setup SNMP with Service Client

Here are the steps on how to set up SNMP status monitoring using a Service Client.


  • A Service Client already configured in your print environment.
  • Verify the PrinterLogicServicePrinterApp.exe is Running.

If you do not have a machine set up as a Service Client, please review Service Client for complete details.

Verify the PrinterLogicServicePrinterApp.exe is Running

On the machine, open the Task Manager and select the details tab. In the Search field, type "printer" to locate the Client processes.

Task Manager Details tab view with the PrinterLogic Service Manager service running.

If neither the PrinterLogicServiceManager.exe or PrinterLogicServicePrinterApp.exe processes are running on the Service Client device, verify the Client installation and / or check the Service Client was installed properly.

Configure the SNMP Settings

  1. In the Admin Console, select Tools then Settings then General.
  2. Scroll to the SNMP Settings section and enable Use a Service Client to collect SNMP information.
  3. In the Service Client Name field, select the Service Client object used to collect SNMP data.

    SNMP Status Monitoring section of SNMP settings in the General settings screen

  4. Complete the following SNMP settings:
    1. By default, SNMP monitoring for each printer is — select On.
    2. Under normal conditions — enter a number in minutes if you want update the time interval when the service queries for data under normal conditions.
    3. Under error conditions — enter a number in minutes if you want to update the time when the service queries for data under error conditions.

      SNMP settings section on printer monitoring

  5. If you use SNMP v1 / v2 complete the following:
    1. Community Public (Get) Name — public is set by default. This field is applicable only if you select Global from the Settings section of the Status tab.
    2. Commnuity Private (Set) Name — private is set by default. This field is applicable only if you select Global from the Settings section of the Status tab.

      SNMP v1/v2 settings

  6. If you use SNMP v3 you have the option to complete the following:
    1. Enabled — check the box to enable SNMP v3
    2. Username — if you want to enable authentication, enter the username you want to designate for authentication.
    3. Security Level — use the drop-down to select from one of the following options:
      1. noAuthNoPriv — use this option if you do not want to apply authentication or privacy settings.
      2. authNoPriv — use this option if you want to apply authentication settings, but not privacy.
      3. authPriv — use this option if you want to apply authentication and privacy settings.
    4. Authentication Protocol — use the drop-down to select the hashing algorithm you want to use to store your authentication key. Options include MD5 and SHA.
    5. Authentication Key — enter the key for the authentication protocol. Similar to a password.
    6. Privacy Protocol — use the drop-down to select the encryption algorithm you want to use to secure the communication between the added device and PrinterLogic SaaS. Options include DES and AES.
    7. Privacy Key — enter the key for the privacy protocol. Similar to a password.
    8. Context Name — enter a context name. The context name is an octet string, which has at least one management information
    9. Context Engine ID — enter the context ID to uniquely identify the SNMP entity. Most of the SNMP v3 entities have the snmpEngineID as their contextID.

      SNMP v3 settings

  7. Select Save on the top-right corner.

Configure the Status Tab

  1. In the Admin Console, select the desired printer object and select the Status tab.
  2. In the Settings section select from the following:
    1. Global — use this setting to apply the settings configured in the Admin Console General settings screen.

      Status tab of a printer object with the Use Global option enabled in the Settings section.

    2. Use Printer-Specific — use this setting to override the settings configured Admin Console General settings screen. When this option is selected, you can then adjust the following:
      1. Enable SNMP Status Monitoring — uncheck the box to stop monitoring this printer object.
      2. SNMP v1 / v2 — complete the following fields if you want to use v1 / v2:
        1. Community Public (Get) Name — enter an access name for the printer to retrieve SNMP information.
        2. Community Private (Set) Name — enter an access name to write SNMP settings to the printer.
      3. SNMP v3 — if you want to use v3 complete the necessary fields. See Step 6. above for details.
  3. Select Save on the top-right corner.