Admin Audit Record Report

The Administrative Audit Records report provides details on the activities of all users who log into PrinterLogic. The report shows details for both administrative and non-administrative users, and includes any changes made through the Admin Console.

This includes any additions, deletions, and modifications of:

  • Administrative and Portal Security.
  • Folders and settings.
  • IP Address Ranges and settings.
  • Printer Deployments.
  • Printer Objects and settings.
  • Service Clients and settings.
  • Users and Roles.
  • Authorization Code changes.
  • Badge Management settings.
  • Cost Templates and settings.
  • Control Panel Application settings.
  • Driver and Profile configurations.
  • Quota Management settings.
  • Windows Print Server Links.
  • Alerts.
  • Client Settings changes.
  • General Settings changes.
  • Import/Update actions.
  • Portal Settings changes.
  • Printing Settings changes.
  • User Logins.

Timestamps in this report are saved in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and rendered into local time by the browser.

The Administrative Audit Records report does not log status information such as the SNMP Status of your printers, print job records, etc. To access the Administrative Audit Records report, click Reports then Administrative Audit Records. Click the Export CSV button to download the report.

Report Results

Depending on the action or type of change, not all columns will include data. The report results show the following information:

  • Date— Date of the activity
  • Time — Time of the activity
  • Action — Type of action recorded
  • Object Type — Type of item being updated.
  • Object Name — Name of object, when applicable.
  • Attribute — Item being updated, when applicable.
  • Previous Value — Value prior to change, when applicable.
  • New Value — Value after the change, when applicable.
  • Associated Object Type — Filter or sub-setting of an object, when applicable.
  • Associated Object Name — Value or name, when applicable.
  • User — Username of the signed in user who made the change.
Administrative Audit report showing the actions, object types, values, and changes to items in the Admin Console.