Custom Printer Fields

With Custom Printer Fields you can add additional text fields to further customize printer objects in the Admin Console and the Self-service Portal. When you enable a custom field, the field displays on the General tab of a printer object in the Admin Console, and as a column on the Self-service Portal printer list.

You can use custom fields without showing them on the Self-service Portal. For example, printer serial numbers is not necessarily needed by the end user, but is helpful for administrators.

Custom Field Settings

Here is a brief overview of the setting options:

Select this option to display the field on the General tab in the Admin Console.
Appears In Portal
Select this option to display the field as a column for end users to see in the Self-service Portal.
Enter a unique name that appears as the label for the field on the General tab, or column heading on the Self-service Portal.
Select the type of field from one of the following options:
Enter any text for the field value.
Enter numbers for the field value.
Yes / No
Field displays as a check box option.

Custom Fields Settings section of the Admin Console General settings.

Field Display

Admin Console View

Custom fields are visible at the end of the General tab options.

Printer ojbect's general tab with two custom fields at the bottom

Self-service Portal View

Custom Field displays as a column on the Self-service Portal.

Self-Service Portal showing a printerwith a custom field named Scanner.

Create a Custom Field

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Tools then Settings then General and scroll down to Custom Printer Fields.
  2. Complete the following:
    1. Name — enter the name you want for the custom field. This displays on the printer object's General tab and on the Self-service Portal.
    2. Type — use the drop-down to select from the following:
      1. Text — use this option to use a text description as the value for the field.
      2. Numeric — use this option if the value for the field consist of only numbers.
      3. Yes / No — use this option to set a binary option depicted by a check box on the Admin Console. On the Self-service Portal the value displays as Yes or No.
  3. Check the Enabled box to display the field on the General tab of the printer object.
  4. Check the Appears on Portal box to display the field on the Self-service Portal.
  5. Select Save.

    Once you save a custom field, you will not be able to modify the Type.