Release Stations Tab

Use Release Stations when you want to securely release a print job from a printer that does not have a digital display, so the Control Panel Application release is not option. A Release Station is a dedicated device such as a tablet, laptop, or cell phone stationed at the printer to enable the end-user to log in and release print jobs.

For example, an end-user is ready to print their document and has sent it to the held queue. The end-user walks up to the printer with the designated tablet/Release Station to the side, signs into the Release Portal on the tablet, and releases the job.

Navigate to Tools then Release then Release Stations in the Admin Console to configure the Release Station(s).


In the top right are the New and Delete line management buttons.

  • New: Creates a new, configurable line item.
  • Delete: Select the box next to a line item and click Delete to remove.

Release Stations tab showing two configured release stations along with the notes about the stations, printer paths, and the buttons to Link or Unlink the devices.

Line Item Fields:

  • Release Station name: Customer defined name of the release station.
    • Click in the field to edit.
  • Notes: Add any notes to further define the release station.
    • Click in the field to edit.
  • Printer(s): Printers added to this field are assigned to the Release Station.
    • Click the plus sign (+) to assign printers.
    • Click the minus sign (-) to remove the printer from the Release Station.