Printer Status Report

Along with the Status tab, there are also reports that can be viewed or used as a dashboard. You can view All Printers or Printers w/ Errors Only which will give you a view for the entire company. Each report can be set to auto-refresh, they can also be exported out, allowing you to easily and quickly email the report to someone to further address a printer hands on. Navigate to Reports then Printer Status and select from All Printers or Printers w/ Errors Only.

All Printers

The All Printers report displays all printers in the Admin Console along with the SNMP data gathered for it. You can sort on any column, search certain times, names, errors, or other information that is relevant for you to find exactly what you are looking for. When viewing the report, scroll to the right to see all columns and data.

Columns include:

  • Printer Name
  • Path
  • Location and Comment Fields
  • Web Interface
  • Status Last Attempted
  • Status Last Updated
  • ICMP Ping Status
  • SNMP Console Message
  • SNMP Operational State
  • SNMP Current Status
  • SNMP Error Condition
  • SNMP Model
  • SNMP Color
  • SNMP Duplex
  • SNMP Uptime
  • SNMP Hostname
  • SNMP IP Address
  • SNMP Mac Address
  • SNMP Lifetime Page Count

Printer Status report showing a list of printers and examples of the data returned.

Printers with Errors Only

A condensed version of the All Printers report, the Printers with Errors Only that only displays printers reporting errors or warnings.

Columns include:

  • Printer Name
  • Path
  • Web Interface
  • Status Last Attempted
  • Status Last Updated
  • ICMP Ping Status
  • SNMP Console Message
  • SNMP Operational State
  • SNMP Current Status
  • SNMP Error Condition
  • SNMP Lifetime Page Count

Printer Status report for errors showing a list of printers and examples of data returned in the report.

Export, Refresh, and Table Settings

The Export and Refresh buttons and Table Settings are in the upper right corner of the All Printers and Printers with Errors reports.

  • Export: Exports the data in a .csv file.
  • Refresh: Manual refresh of the page.
  • Table Settings: Includes options for Table Width, Objects per page, and Automatic Refresh.

Settings options expanded showing the table width, per page, refresh rate, and Update buttons.