Local Account Settings

Local accounts (Vasion Print (formerly PrinterLogic) user and root accounts) have additional settings for admins to define password settings and determine whether they allow access for local accounts in the Admin Console.

Password Settings

The fields in the Password Settings section define password requirements for local accounts.

To define local account password requirements:

  1. Navigate to the Password Settings section on Tools then Settings then General.
  2. Enter the values and select the desired options.
  3. Select Save on the top-right corner.
Minimum Password Size
Enter the minimum number of characters you would like to enforce.
Maximum Password Size
Enter the maximum number of characters you would like to enforce.
Require uppercase characters
Select the box to require at least one uppercase character.
Require lowercase characters
Select the box to require at least one lowercase character.
Require number
Select the box to require at least one number character.
Require special character
Select the box to require at least one special character.

Password settings sections showing the options for password rules, including the minimum / maximum password size, and requirements like upper case characters, numbers, and special characters.

Disable Local Accounts

The Login Settings section displays an option to disable local accounts in your instance. Enabling this setting removes access for local accounts, including the root account, to the Admin Console. Configure an alternative authentication method before adjusting this setting.

To disable local accounts:

  1. Navigate to the Login Settings section on Tools then Settings then General.
  2. Select the box for Disable local accounts.
  3. Select Save on the top-right corner.

Login settings section showing the Disable Local Accounts option.