Self-service Portal Setup

Use the processes below to customize the Self-service Portal for your organization.

Change Header Image

Upload a company logo or header image to customize the image that displays in the header of the Self-service Portal.

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Tools then Settings then Portal.
  2. In the Header section, select Choose File.

    Header section of the Portal settings

  3. Navigate to the file that you want to upload.
  4. Select Open.
  5. When the path and file appear, select Upload.
  6. Select Save.

Self-service Portal displaying a custom header image

Add Maps

Map images are static in size, and PrinterLogic SaaS does not auto-adjust the map to the user's computer screen. We recommend 850 x 480 px to work across most monitors, and the maximum file size must be 900 kb or less. Larger files display an error.

Upload a Map

Once you have a floor plan image ready, Select the folder where you want to apply it and select the Map tab.

  1. Select Upload Background Image.
  2. Select Choose File.

    Upload background image modal

  3. Navigate to and select the floor plan / map image.
  4. Select Upload Image.
  5. Select Save on the top-right corner.
Map of a floor plan added to a folder in the Maps tab

To remove the image, select Remove Background Image and save the change.

Add Printers

Printers within the folder display in the gray box to the left of the map. To place a printer on a map location:

  1. Drag and drop the printer icon onto the map in the desired location.
  2. Select Save after printers have been placed.

Adjust printer icons at any time in the Admin Console. When a new printer is added to the folder, it's displayed in the gray box to the left of the map.

The Self-service Portal folder map mirrors the one in the Admin Console.

Self-service Portal View

Navigate to the Self-service Portal once the map is ready. Select a folder to see the map. Hover over the printer icon to see additional information about the printer along with the Install Printer button.

Below the map, printers list out the same as folders without maps. Install printers from either the map or list.

Self-service Portal displaying the map for the selected folder along with the printers and printer list

Resize Printer Icons

  1. In the Admin Console tree structure, select a folder that contains the map with the printer icons you want to resize.
  2. Select the Map tab.
  3. When the map appears, right-click the printer icon you would like to resize.
  4. Select the new icon size (small, medium, large).
  5. Select Save on the top-right corner.

Manually Change Portal Language

Add /?lang=XX to the portal URL, where XX is the two-character HTML language code. See below.

Self-service Portal page highlighting the URL update to display in German

Although other codes may work, the PrintPrinterLogic SaaS supported HTML codes are:

  • Chinese (Simplified) - zh-Hans
  • Dutch - nl
  • English - en
  • French - fr
  • German - de
  • Italian - it
  • Japanese - ja
  • Polish - pl
  • Portuguese - pt
  • Spanish - es
  • Swedish - sv
  • Thai - th
  • Turkish - tr