SAP Configuration

Once the LPD Service is configured and running on the Service Client, confirm the device settings with the SAP Business Client software.


  • LPD services running with at least one functional Service Client.
  • If using high availability zones, ensure the Service Clients in the appropriate zones can communicate appropriately.
  • Print queues configured Admin Console for each printer used to print from SAP.
  • Port 515 is open from the SAP Spool Server(s) to the Service Client(s). You may change the port, but it needs to match on both SAP and the Service Client.


Spool Server
An SAP application server that provides spool processing. It processes data to prepare it for transfer via the defined Access Method. At least one of these servers is required and is not replaced by the PrinterLogic SaaS Output Automation solution.
Device Type
An option that is set on a printer object inside SAP that is SAPs version of a print driver.
Access Method U
The U refers to Unix Berkeley LPR, the original version of LPR used by SAP to forward jobs with this access method. This ties directly into PrinterLogic SaaS's LPD service.

Device Settings

Confirm the settings for the output device in SAP Business Client software.

  1. Access the Spool Administration: Initial Screen.
  2. If updating an existing printer definition, enter the name of the printer in the Output Devices field and select Display. Otherwise, create a new Output Device.

  3. Ensure the Output Device has the following attributes in the Spool Administrator: Output Device (Display) window:
    1. Make sure the Device Type selected roughly matches the manufacturer and model for the destination printer.
    2. If the Device Type is set to SAPWIN, change to a device type that is appropriate for the printer. SAPWIN won't work with Access Method U.
    3. Select the Access Method tab.
    4. Ensure the Host Spool Access Method is set to U: Print Using Berkeley Protocol.
    5. In the Host Printer field, input the name of the host printer as its named in the PrinterLogic SaaS Admin Console.
    6. In the Destination Host field, input the IP or hostname of the destination Service Client.
      1. When using multiple Service Clients for load balance, input the Virtual IP Address configured for the Service Clients on the load balancer.

        The load balancer for this traffic must be configured to use persistent or "sticky" connections so the initial acknowledgment messages and the print job themselves are forwarded to the same Service Client.

Test the Connection and Print Job

Check the Connection

Test that the port is open and traffic can flow to the configured destination.

On the Spool Administration: Output Device window, use the Check Connection button on the top menu bar. You can also use the Ctrl+4 keyboard shortcut. The resulting modal displays a success or failure message.

Sent a Test Print Job

  1. On the Spool Administration: Output Device (Display) window, use the Spool Requests button on the top menu bar. (To the right of the Check Connection button)
  2. In the Spool Requests for Device [device name] modal, select the Print button or use the Ctrl+P keyboard shortcut.
  3. In the Print Screen List modal do the following:
    1. Enter the name of your output device, or
    2. Select the button next to Output Device to search through the list of devices by name and select the device.
    3. In the Properties section, ensure the Print Time field is set to Immediately.
    4. Select the button with the green check Green check image displayed on the SAP interface button. to initiate the job.

Check the Print Job Status

Verify the print job was received by the LPD service.

  1. Return to the Spool Administration: Output Device (Display) window.
  2. Select the Output Requests button on the top menu bar. (To the right of the Spool Request button)
  3. In the Output Request for Device [device name] window confirm the status of the print job.

SAP only receives the status that communicates whether we successfully received a print job. The status does not indicate whether a job was then sent to the printer. Check the Admin Console to confirm the printer's print job status / history.

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