Configure OAuth 2.0

The steps below are for configuring OAuth 2.0 for Email Printing, Direct Email Printing, and Direct Guest Email Printing.

Configure App Registration

1. Register the Application

  1. Log into your Entra ID (Azure AD) portal.
  2. Search for or select Microsoft Entra ID from the Azure Services menu.
  3. Select App registrations from the left-side Manage menu.
  4. Select New registration.

    Azure New Registrations button.

  5. Give the application a unique name.
  6. Leave Supported account types set to Accounts in this organizational directory only.
  7. Select Register in the lower-left.

Register an application section with the Register button in the bottom left.

2. Set App Permissions

  1. Expand the left-side Manage menu and select API permissions.

    Azure dashboard with the API Permissions option in the left-side Manage section.

  2. In the Configured permissions section, select + Add a permission.
  3. Select Microsoft Graph, then select Delegated permissions.
  4. Search for IMAP, expand the IMAP dropdown, then select the IMAP.AccessAsUser.All option.
  5. Select Add permissions.
  6. In the Configured permissions section, select + Add a permission.
  7. Select Microsoft Graph, then select Delegated permissions.
  8. Search for Offline, expand the OpenId permissions dropdown, then select offline_access.
  9. Select Add permissions.

Request API permissions section with the Add Permissions button at the bottom.

3. Set Authentication

  1. Expand the left-side Manage menu and select Authentication.

    API permissions section with the Authentication option under the Manage menu on the left.

  2. Leave Supported account types set to Accounts in this organizational directory only.
  3. In the Advanced settings section, toggle Allow public client flows to Yes.
  4. Select Save.

Authentication section with the Advanced Settings Allow public client flows enabled and highlighted.

Collect Application & Directory ID

The Email Printing configuration requires the Application and Directory ID from the app's Overview tab. Here are the steps to find the IDs needed to finish the configuration on the Vasion Print (formerly PrinterLogic) side.

  1. Select the Overview option from the left-side menu.
  2. Expand the Essentials dropdown.
  3. Copy the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID.
  4. Provide the Application and Directory IDs to the Vasion Print (formerly PrinterLogic) administrator working on the configuration, or navigate back to the OAuth 2.0 Configuration section in the related topic.
    1. Email Printing
    2. Direct Email Printing and Direct Email Guest Printing

Overview tab with application and directory data.