Create a New Rule

A common use for Rules & Routing is ensuring business continuity so that critical operations are never held up because of printer failure or downtime.

Create a Rule

The workflow designer guides you through the configuration of each rule component.

  1. Choose a print trigger
  2. Name and set conditions
  3. Select the action(s) for the rule.

In this example, we're creating a rule that redirects a print job to a backup printer in case the primary printer fails.

1 Choose a Print Trigger

Select + Create New Rule from the top-right corner of the Rules & Routing tab.

  1. In the Rules & Routing builder, select Create Rule.

    Create a new rule

  2. Select one of the print triggers.

    Select a print trigger

2 Name and Conditions

  1. Enter the name of the rule.
  2. Enter a brief description of the rule.

    Rule name and description

  3. Select Printer from the Condition drop-down.
  4. Select the button to choose the primary printer.

    Printer condition

Rule configuration

3 Select the Action

  1. Use the Action drop-down to select Redirect job to different printer.
  2. Select the button to choose the backup printer.
  3. Select Add Action.

    Action step

  4. Use the Action drop-down to select Send notification email.

Action step

When all the steps are configured, select Save. The Save option is only enabled once all the rule components are completely configured.

Completed rule configuration.