Mobile Scanning

You can use the PrinterLogic SaaS App's Mobile Scanning feature to scan documents with your mobile device and then print, text, email, or send them to a cloud storage provider. Personal drives, storage, and apps are supported. For steps to enable Mobile Scanning, and to configure cloud drive connections and preset scan locations reference Scan to Cloud.


1. Access Scan

  1. Log into the PrinterLogic SaaS app on your mobile device.
  2. Select the side-menu using the menu waffle icon. icon in the upper-left.
  3. Select the Scan option.

Vasion mobile app showing the side navigation options for Print and Scan.

2. Scan Documents

  1. Select the Plus sign icon. icon in the lower-right.
  2. Position your camera over the document and select the Camera icon. icon to capture the screen.
  3. Select the Checkmark icon. icon to confirm the scanned page.
  4. Select the Edit option in the lower-left to make changes while scanning. You can also edit each scan after selecting Done(x).

    1. The Edit option includes: Applying filters, cropping, rotating, and deleting the scan.

    Edit options showing icons for cropping, rotating, and deleting, as well as the checkmark to finish.

  5. Continue scanning any additional pages, then select the Done (x) option in the lower right.
    1. Done (x) reflects how many pages are in the current scan queue.
    2. Cancel displays a pop-up with two options:
      1. Cancel — returns you to your current scan.
      2. Delete — deletes the current scan queue and returns you to the main Scan window.

Mobile scan window showing a document to scan and the camera icon in the lower middle.

3. Edit & Rearrange

After selecting Done (x), the app provides basic editing functionality for scanned items. If you need to add more items to the current scan queue, select the + add button.

  1. To adjust the title of the scanned document, select the edit Pencil edit icon. icon next to the name.
    1. Use the device keyboard to rename the document and select Save when finished.
  2. To rearrange the order of the scanned documents, select the Rearrange icon. icon in the upper-left.
    1. Drag the pages to reorder them.
    2. You can Rotate, Delete, or Export the documents from this window.
    3. Select Done when finished.
  3. To adjust scanned documents, select the Edit icon.Edit icon.
  4. On the Edit tab, you can:

    1. Recrop the image.
    2. Rotate the image Left / Right.
    3. Delete the image.

    Edit options for recrop, rotate left and right and delete.

  5. On the Filter tab, you can apply a:

    1. Black and White filter.
    2. Color filter.
    3. Photo filter.
    4. Remove filter.

    Filter options showing black and white, color, photo, and none.

Scan window showing the options for add, edit, export and done.

4. Hold or Send

You can hold the edited jobs in your scan queue to print or send later using the Done option in the upper right, or use the Export option to print, email, and send the documents to a cloud provider. Personal drives, storage, and apps are supported. Admins can also define preset storage locations for scanned jobs in their environment using supported cloud storage providers.


To immediately print, text, email, or send the documents to cloud provider storage:

  1. Select the Export option.
  2. Select the desired option from the Export To section.
    1. Print.
    2. Message (SMS).
    3. Email.
    4. Cloud Provider Storage.
    5. Apps.

Export window showing options for the document and export options available on the mobile device.


To hold the scanned document(s):

  1. Select Done in the upper-right.

    Phone view showing the Done option in the upper right.

  2. View pending documents in the Scan window.
  3. When you are ready to send the scanned document, select it from the Scan window.
    1. Use the Select All / Deselect All options in the upper-right to select multiple documents.
  4. Select the Export option.
  5. Select the desired option from the Export To section.
    1. Print.
    2. Message (SMS).
    3. Email.
    4. Cloud Provider Storage.
    5. Apps.

Scan window showing the scanned held jobs, and the export and delete options.