Control Panel Application (CPA)

The Control Panel Application (CPA) is a tool that lets you release pull printing jobs and secure release printing jobs directly from a printer's digital console. Like other Vasion Print (formerly PrinterLogic) features, your administrator installs the CPA on the printer.

Control Panel Application window as seen after it's installed on the printer, showing three jobs sitting in a user's print queue and ready for release.

CPA Login Options

Username and Password

Depending on how your admin configures the CPA, you may see the interface when you first walk up to the printer's console or an app within the control panel.

By default, the login screen shows the username and password login fields, which are your network credentials or the same credentials you use to log into your system.

CPA Login screen showing the Scan Badge prompt on the left and User sign in options on the right.

User ID and Pin

Another login feature available is PIN Authentication, which only displays if enabled by your admin. Enter your User ID and PIN to log in.

CPA Login screen showing the Scan Badge prompt on the left and PIN authentication options on the right.

Badge Scan

If you have a badge, card, or dongle for security purposes, such as entry to the building, many IT administrators also tie the badge, card, or dongle to printing.

If the CPA displays the badging option, look around the printer for a badge scanner. The first time you run your badge over the badge scanner, a prompt shows to enter your network credentials.

CPA Login screen showing the Scan Badge prompt on the left and User sign in options on the right.

The benefit of this setup is that once your badge is validated against your credentials, the CPA opens immediately after the following badge scan, and the options to release print jobs or other CPA-enabled features display.

The CPA only shows the print jobs held by you. Within the interface, you can select one or more print jobs for release or release all print jobs associated with your user account.

CPA release screen showing three held jobs.

Depending on how your administrator set up your print environment, your badge / PIN information may be managed by the identity provider and thus provided to you and already registered by your administrator. The next few pages provide an overview of CPA features.

If the badge / PIN information is managed using Vasion Print (formerly PrinterLogic), you may be able to self-register your badge / PIN. For more details, see: