PIN Management Options

Follow these steps to set a PIN for use with the Control Panel Application, or to reset a PIN.

Set a PIN

  1. Log in to the PrinterLogic Self-service Portal.
  2. Click on the Menu option in the top right corner.

    Self-service portal showing printer tree structure on the left, with printers in the middle, and an arrow pointing to the Menu option in the upper right.

  3. Hover the pointer over Authentication, and select Manage PIN.

    Self-service portal Menu expanded view with Authentication, and its sub-option for Manage Pin selected.

  4. Enter your desired PIN into the provided fields.

    Self-service portal with the Set User Pin pop-up showing with fields to enter and confirm the new pin.

  5. Click Save.

Your PIN is now registered and can be used with the PrinterLogic Control Panel Application.

Reset Your PIN

  1. Log in to the PrinterLogic Self-service Portal.
  2. Click on the Menu option in the top right corner.

    Self-service portal showing printer tree structure on the left, with printers in the middle, and an arrow pointing to the Menu option in the upper right.

  3. Hover the pointer over Authentication, and select Manage PIN.

    Self-service portal Menu expanded view with Authentication, and its sub-option for Manage Pin selected.

  4. Enter in your new PIN into the provided fields.

    Self-service portal with the Set User Pin pop-up showing with fields to enter and confirm the new pin.

  5. Click on Save.

Your PIN is now reset.