Printing Settings Tab

Locate and configure your default print settings by navigating to Tools then Settings then Printing.

This tab includes pull printing, secure release printing, mobile printing, email printing, and purge settings for queue management. You can switch between the default settings configured here and the printer-specific settings available on the printer object's Printing tab. After enabling or configuring a field, click Save in the upper right.

Below is an overview of the settings on this tab.

Print Jobs

The options in this section enable you to configure PrinterLogic to record print job records and to track print queues.

Printing tab's Print Jobs section showing the different reporting, purging, and queue management options available to configure.

Pull Printing

This section contains the default settings for both Pull Printing and Secure Release Printing.

Each printer object in the tree view has a Printing tab where you can enable the default or printer-specific Pull and Secure Release Printing settings. The default settings mentioned are configurable below.

Pull Printing section showing the enable options for pull and secure printing, the default pull printing settings, the secure release prompt settings, end user override, and offline secure release enable setting.

Email Pull Printing

This section configures the default options for Email Pull Printing. This is different from printing with the PrinterLogic App. Email Pull Printing allows you to set specific printers to auto release jobs sent when using Email Printing.

Printing tab's email pull printing section showing the enable options for the default email printer and global enable release for all printers as well as the Default page size drop-down displaying the letter page size.

Direct Email Printing

These settings enable you to configure Direct Email Printing, which uses Active Directory to validate the user's email address and then send the email immediately to a release printer.

Direct Email Address Domain: The domain entered here will appear after the direct email address in the printer object's Printing tab's Direct Email Printing section.

Printer object's Printing tab showing the Direct email printing section with an arrow pointing to the default domain which is showing after the direct email address field.

Default per-printer "Direct Email Printing" setting: This option configures the default setting to allow print jobs to be emailed directly to this printer by authenticated users.

If the user cannot be validated, then the user will be considered a guest and will be required to use the Direct Email Guest Printing settings.

Default per-printer "Direct Email Guest Printing" setting: This option enabled the default setting to allow print jobs to be emailed directly to this printer from guests.

Printing tab's Direct Email Printing section showing the Direct Email Address domain field, and the global options to enable direct email printing and direct email guest printing for all printers.


The purge settings work with the Enable queue management setting in the Print Jobs section higher up on the page. Using these fields, configure the length of time before active and held jobs are purged from the queue.

  • Purge active print jobs after X hours: Any print job that has remained in a print queue for the specified period of time without successfully printing will be automatically removed.
  • Purge held jobs after X hours: Any held job that has remained in the release system for the specified period of time will be automatically removed.
  • ChromeOS print jobs will have a maximum number of 12 hours for purging print jobs.

Printing tab's Purging section showing two options, first is to set the hours that active print jobs are purged after, and the second is to set the hours that held jobs are purged after.