Security and Permissions

Details about administrator, device, and user permissions are discussed in this section.

Device Authorization

PrinterLogic uses OAuth to enhance security using "tokens" called authentication codes, which verify the client as a PrinterLogic Client. Until a client is authorized, it is unable to communicate and show/pull data from your PrinterLogic instance. Generate authentication codes in the Admin Console that can either be applied via script during the client install or manually entered at the Self-service Portal after installation.

In the Admin Console, navigate to Tools then Authorized Devices or Tools then Tokens then Authorized Devices depending on your permissions. The Authorized Devices tab is where the authorization codes are created that can be applied during client install or manually entered at the Self-service Portal. Generate codes with "No Expiration" or an expiration length.

Device authorization tab displaying the Generate button and drop-down to select the expiration length. Below are additional sections showing generated codes, and Active Devices which are devices authorized in your environment.

For details on generating authorization codes and how to apply them, see Device Authorization.

Administrative Security

Admin Console user accounts are either administrator or non-administrator roles. Using Administrative Security, administrators can limit what folders/printers non-administrator roles can see in the Admin Console. Define permissions to those folders/printer objects through role assignments which limit the ability to change the printer objects settings within the folder.

For details on setting up and Administrative account, see Administrative Security.

Portal Security

The Portal Security tab is only visible when hovering over a folder or printer object's Security tab in the tree view. Portal Security lets you limit who can see what folders and printers on the Self-service Portal. With it configured, end users can only see the folders/printers you define.

Security filters include Active Directory(users, groups, computers, OU), IdP users and groups, IP Address Ranges, and others. Example: If an Active Directory group is added to a folder/printer, then only members of that group would see the folder/printer when the Self-service Portal is accessed.

For details on how to apply Portal Security settings, see Portal Security.

Hide From Portal

Each folder and printer object also has the option to Hide from Portal. This option removes the folder/printer from the end user Self-service Portal for all users. With the Hide from Portal setting enabled, printers cannot be self-installed and must be deployed to end users.

Folder object's General tab with the Hide from Portal checkbox highlighted.